Object Oriented Programming

Course Content

Please look for the previous semesters.


Midterm %20 Midterm (Java Project solutions) MidtermOOP2018

Final      %40

Homework   %20

Project    %20  List of possible projects are given below of the page


  1. Hello world Application For Human class in Week001 :–> due date :27.10.2018
  2. Marble Jar: Requirements —–>due date: 3.10.2018
    • Jar can say amount of marble inside
    • Jar has a capacity of maximum marble
    • Anyone can add any amount of marble to Jar as long as total amount is less than capacity
    • Anyone can remove any amount of marble from Jar as long as there is enough amount of marble
    • There is a Lid of the JAR if is Closed no marble can be added or removed
    • JAR can say the status of the LID
  3. Bus : Requirements ——>due 10.10.2018 (other 5 homeworks are given in the class  )
    1. Bus should have a capacity
    2. Bus should keep track of number of current passenger
    3. Bus should keep track of total number of passenger for whole day
    4. bus should keep track of total number of passenger for every station
    5. Bus should give total amount of money earned
    6. A round trip includes  travel from station 1 to station 10 and from station 10 to station 1
    7. in a Day 10 round trip is done.
    8. In first station of a round trip no one can get off since there is nobody.  in last stations no one can get on since there is no further station.
    9. In a station Bus can have random amount of passengers for get on or get off
      • be careful you can not let more passengers to get off than already  present
      • be careful you can not let more passengers to get on than capacity of the Bus.
    10. SOLUTION–> Bus
  4. Inheritence Homework
    1. Design Cube  extending Prism Class          due date>17.10.2018
    2. Design Prism extending Rectangle Class
    3. Solution–>> Week004 2
  5. Week 5 homeworks due date ->>24.10.2018
    1. Homework5.1
    2. Homework5.2
    3. Homework5.3
    4. Homework5.4
    5. solutions will be given in lab session
  6. READING homework
  7.  Midterm Good Luck 🙂 No HomeWork
  8. implement ALL GUI example that is explained in the UDEMY course.
  9. Oracle Swing Tutorials
  10.  Producer Consumer Thread application Complete the Work Given in LAB .. not The code given for Turkish group
  11. Dining Philosophers w13OOP_DF

 Lab works

  1. week001 Human
  2. Week002 DustBin
  3. Week3 and week 4 Week004
  4. Week05001 lab (inheritance examples)
  5. Phone FamilyPhoneFamily (inheritance and interface example (Abstract Class/ Polymorphism)
  6. Ninja Ninja Version 1.0
  7. Army Week07Army
  8. MyGuisNDP Simple GUi and  week09001 Examples done in the lecture.
  9. Colorful Slider week10001
  10. Producer Consumer _ week12week1200 TÜRKÇE GRUBU
  11. WeekOOP12001 Thread, Runnable, Executor Services, Lock, Synchronized, wait, notify, join Examples,
  12. ReenterantLock exampleREentereantLockPART11
  13. 2018 makeup LAB Week14OOP001 2018 Büt


  • Tetris
  • Color sudoku
  • Chess
  • Mine Sweeper