Object Oriented Programming
Course Content
Please look for the previous semesters.
Midterm %20 Midterm (Java Project solutions) MidtermOOP2018
Final %40
Homework %20
Project %20 List of possible projects are given below of the page
- Hello world Application For Human class in Week001 :–>
due date :27.10.2018 - Marble Jar: Requirements —–>due
date: 3.10.2018- Jar can say amount of marble inside
- Jar has a capacity of maximum marble
- Anyone can add any amount of marble to Jar as long as total amount is less than capacity
- Anyone can remove any amount of marble from Jar as long as there is enough amount of marble
- There is a Lid of the JAR if is Closed no marble can be added or removed
- JAR can say the status of the LID
- Bus : Requirements ——>due
10.10.2018(other 5 homeworks are given in the class )- Bus should have a capacity
- Bus should keep track of number of current passenger
- Bus should keep track of total number of passenger for whole day
- bus should keep track of total number of passenger for every station
- Bus should give total amount of money earned
- A round trip includes travel from station 1 to station 10 and from station 10 to station 1
- in a Day 10 round trip is done.
- In first station of a round trip no one can get off since there is nobody. in last stations no one can get on since there is no further station.
- In a station Bus can have random amount of passengers for get on or get off
- be careful you can not let more passengers to get off than already present
- be careful you can not let more passengers to get on than capacity of the Bus.
- Inheritence Homework
- Design Cube extending Prism Class due date>
17.10.2018 - Design Prism extending Rectangle Class
- Solution–>> Week004 2
- Design Cube extending Prism Class due date>
- Week 5 homeworks due date ->>
24.10.2018- Homework5.1
- Homework5.2
- Homework5.3
- Homework5.4
- solutions will be given in lab session
- READING homework
- Midterm Good Luck 🙂 No HomeWork
- implement ALL GUI example that is explained in the UDEMY course.
- Oracle Swing Tutorials
- Producer Consumer Thread application Complete the Work Given in LAB .. not The code given for Turkish group
- Dining Philosophers w13OOP_DF
Lab works
- week001 Human
- Week002 DustBin
- Week3 and week 4 Week004
- Week05001 lab (inheritance examples)
- Phone FamilyPhoneFamily (inheritance and interface example (Abstract Class/ Polymorphism)
- Ninja Ninja Version 1.0
- Army Week07Army
- MyGuisNDP Simple GUi and week09001 Examples done in the lecture.
- Colorful Slider week10001
- Producer Consumer _ week12week1200 TÜRKÇE GRUBU
- WeekOOP12001 Thread, Runnable, Executor Services, Lock, Synchronized, wait, notify, join Examples,
- ReenterantLock exampleREentereantLockPART11
- 2018 makeup LAB Week14OOP001 2018 Büt
- Tetris
- Color sudoku
- Chess
- Mine Sweeper