MAT101-Mathematics I

This is the website of the course MAT101 Mathematics I. All students enrolled to this course are supposed to follow this website regularly, since they are responsible for catching up the announcements.

Click here to see the syllabus for this semester. This schedule is tentative. Depending on the class and/or other things, I reserve the right to skip/fast forward certain topics in order to pay more attention to certain others.

General Advice:

  • Every question you have about the subject should be asked, and I will be happy to try to answer it.
  • Don’t let your questions sit around gathering dust, because later portions of the course will make use of what came earlier. The longer you wait, the harder it is to catch up.
  • You learn the subject by solving problems. No one is able to learn mathematics without working problems.
  • You should expect to spend 9-12 hours a week working problems, reading the text, and going over your class notes.

General Announcements: